My Daily Thoughts

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

What is a Life Purpose?

My view is that your life purpose is how you best use your uniqueness to create value in the world. Based on your DNA there

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Quarter Focus

June is the last month of the second quarter. The main focus of planning for the last month in a quarter is to complete the

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder


Attaining peace is simply letting go of all the thoughts that bind us. Simple, yet I am a long way from achieving it. For me,

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Uncertainty and Stress

Everyone has stress in their lives. As a person that ponders and overthinks, I sometimes make stressful situations more stressful. I find the best approach

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Devil is in the Details

The role of a business analyst is to understand the big picture as well as all the details. The big picture is what drives the

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

May 2021 Monthly Review

What went well? Consistent blogging for personal blog Business Analyst contract going well Created long-form blogging process in Obsidian Received my COVID vaccine What didn’t

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Take Your Clients on a Journey

A business analyst’s role is to facilitate a change in an organization that creates value. To facilitate that change you need to lead the affected

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Design From Vision

On any business analysis project, there are a half dozen high-level business requirements. These are the big business goals you are trying to achieve with

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

You Might Be Wrong

Nothing is ever black and white. There are always two sides to a story. There are no right answers so take the time to consider

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Excitement and Fear

Excitement and fear are the same When you feel one try to interchange it with the other. I have a set of workshops coming up

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Geoff Schroder

The Problem with Gurus

The problem with many gurus is that they have a very specific path to get you from A to B. As soon as you deviate

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Thinking Strategies
Geoff Schroder

Just One Piece

When solving problems you don’t need to solve the whole problem at once. Take what you know and understand and see what you can figure

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Thinking Outside the Box

A business analyst needs to be aware of limiting their thinking based on understanding the current state. Initially, on most projects, the first task is

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Thinking Strategies
Geoff Schroder

It’s Snowing

It is May 18th, 2021 and it is snowing. This happens every year. As soon as you think that winter is completely over we have

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Business Analyst and Parenting

Ignore the title. Business analysis is all about problem-solving and creating value. That mindset, that experience, that focus will not help as a parent, especially

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Geoff Schroder

More and Less

In designing a life there are two types of activities that you need to take into account; core activities and other activities. Core activities are

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Geoff Schroder

Three Step Process for Life

Here is a simple three-step process for living your ideal life. Contrary to what all the gurus say, this is a long, lifetime process. One

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

You Are Not Your Past

You are who you are not You are not your past … that is a different person You are not your future … that person

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Geoff Schroder

Working on you To Do List

Now that I have my Life Design Planner in Obsidian another distinction I have made is my to-do list and the list of things I

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Vaccination Day

Today at 4:51 PM I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I am now protecting myself, my family, my community, and the rest

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Thinking Strategies
Geoff Schroder

What is Your Perspective

Perspective without context is meaningless. Imagine you are lost and you call a friend. You: Hi, I am lost Friend: Just go straight ahead. Your

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Thinking Strategies
Geoff Schroder

Top Down Bottom Up

Strategy and planning are top-down activities. Creating and building are bottom-up activities. You can’t build without a plan. You can’t plan without knowing how to

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Geoff Schroder

Creating Freedom

I have noticed a few examples of where structure creates freedom in the last little while. A project manager who puts the right processes in

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Planning Perspectives

Plans are created top-down and future backwards. The creation of a plan starts with where you want to end up and works backward from there.

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Good Decision Bad Outcome

Just because there was a good outcome does not mean you made a good decision. Don’t evaluate decisions based on the outcomes, evaluate the process

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Personality Current State

Personality tests are a method of eliciting the current state of a person. Current state is a key strategy in business analysis even if the

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Different People, Different Perspectives

One of Ray Dalio’s principles is “Remember that people are built very differently and that different ways of seeing and thinking make people suitable for different jobs.” As a business

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Geoff Schroder

What are Objectives?

As I said yesterday, I am in the process of moving my goals and objectives into Obsidian, so I thought I would share what I

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Geoff Schroder

What are Goals?

I am in the process of moving my goals and objectives into Obsidian, so I thought I would share what I am learning. According to

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Balance

According to JournaledLife there are ten life areas. A balanced life is when the appropriate amount of effort is put into each life area. For

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Never Skip Twice

For me, the gamification of activities I need to do on a regular basis works very well. Having streaks for the number of days that

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

All BA Tasks are ROI Tasks

The role of a business analyst is to facilitate change the results in an increase in value. According to IIBA The Business Analyst is an

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Ask Why

As a business analyst, one question you should always be asking is WHY? Why is this requirement needed? Why is this feature needed? Why is

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

The Best Guide for You

Who would you want as a guide if you were going on a 5-day backpacking trip? A world-class guide Someone who backpacked once overnight Someone

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

The Span of Now

There is a span of time between an occurrence in your life and your automatic response to the occurrence. When we are present and are

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Values

What are your life values, those values that reflect what you most want to get out of life? Most people when they contemplate values, pick

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Science over superstition

Your brain is a pattern-matching machine. It will use whatever information it has available to help predict an outcome. The lack of information will not

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Geoff Schroder

Build Speed Daily

Yesterday I spoke about assets, the things you have. Today I am I want to talk about what you do. As a business analyst, I

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Geoff Schroder

Build Assets Daily

One of the best pieces of entrepreneurial advice I have received is to build assets. While you are on your life journey, regardless of what

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Fear and Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs come from fear. Any time you have a limiting belief ask yourself the question; What am I afraid of? When you have the

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

Meditation Experiment

Starting April 10th I am going to execute a 30-day experiment on meditation. I have a muse meditation band that measures my brainwaves as I

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Geoff Schroder

Dream Big with Your Goal

Dream Big with Your Goal! And … Take Action with Your Objectives A little bit of wisdom from Goals are the primary, broad outcomes

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder


There is a lot to complain about in the world today, the pandemic, finances, politics, crime, the list can go on and on. But, if

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

What I am reading

Here is the list of books I am currently reading.  So far “The Practice” by Seth Godin has been excellent. The Practice by Seth Godin

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

How I Cope with COVID

It has been a long year! It was more than a year ago the last time I was at Chapters having a coffee – one

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Evolution and the past

When management styles change or methodologies evolve we cannot forget where the methodologies or management styles came from. The old styles and methodologies worked, we

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

A New Quarter

Today is the first day of the second quarter of 2021 Three questions to keep you focused this quarter 1. Do my goals still inspire

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

March 2021 Monthly Review

What went well? Consistent blogging JournaledLife course released Started new Business Analysis contract What didn’t go well? COVID restrictions fatigue What the plan for next

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Challenge Your Beliefs

When you are driving someplace you have the belief that you will get there safely. An effective driving strategy is contemplating the things that prevent

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Geoff Schroder

OneNote or Obsidian

Now that I have found Obsidian, am I going to throw OneNote away? The answer is …… No. I have too much in OneNote to

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Geoff Schroder

You Are Your Website

Networking and relationship building has always been a core activity for business. It is still important but is now quite different. With the internet, you

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Change Management Approach

One way to look at change management is as a series of mini-projects for each stakeholder that is going through the change. You need to

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Meaning and Life Roles

Roles are a way of grouping activities that you do,  The grouping helps to give meaning and purpose to those activities. Cleaning up after your

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

RACI Chart

I heard a quote along time ago and have never been able to find who first said it.  This is a quote that is very

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Geoff Schroder

Sluice box Entrepreneur

One of my favorite shows is Gold Rush. The sluice box that gold miners use to extract gold is a great metaphor for the type

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Business Process Reengineering

Business process reengineering (BPR) is the practice of rethinking and redesigning the way work is done to better support an organization’s mission and reduce costs. – Business process

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Geoff Schroder

Switch to Obsidian?

Today is the first day of spring, and with spring comes change. I took a look at the Obsidian note-taking app today and it has

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Geoff Schroder

My Creativity Value

One of my values is creativity. To make this value meaningful, I need to understand what the word creativity means to me and how it

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Geoff Schroder

Three Keys of Marketing

There are three main questions you need to answer in your prospective client’s mind. Expertise: Do you have the expertise for what they need? Authority:

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Questions for Business Analysts

Question Type Description Business Analysis Use Closed Questions Questions where the answer is a Yes/No or a short fact. These questions are useful when confirming

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Systems Thinking and Business Analysis

Systems thinking is thinking in an ecological way.  Systems thinking shows how parts of an organization are interconnected.  The interconnected parts have feedback loops that

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Geoff Schroder

Rocks in a Bucket

One of my favorite metaphors for maximizing productivity is filling a bucket with water, sand, gravel, and rocks. You can get the most in the

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Business Analysis Approach

The high business analysis approach on any new engagement is similar.  The approach follows the 5 main steps 1. Understand the situation During this step,

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Use Cases or User Stories

The decision to create requirements with Use Cases or User Stories are based on four things Stakeholders Involved Developers Involved The complexity of the System

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Design and Business Architecture

In the business sector, business architecture is a discipline[] that “represents holistic, multidimensional business views of: capabilities, end‐to‐end value delivery, information, and organizational structure; and

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Geoff Schroder

Work for Your Future Self

One excellent mindset for determining what are the most valuable tasks to be doing is the idea that you work for your future self. If

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Geoff Schroder

Infinite Perspectives

The internet has changed the world and still continues to change the world. One key activity for anyone in this online, connected world is publishing,

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

A Glimpse is all You Need

It is easy to understand how a specific, detailed life vision can help drive you forward to creating that vision. A mistake that many people

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Imperfect Vision

I believe everyone should have a vision for their lives. What I don’t believe is that the vision is the final, perfect, ideal, set in

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Happiness versus Fulfilment

How are happiness and fulfillment related? Happiness Fulfillment In the moment Long-lasting Temporary Lasting Provides motivation short term Provides motivation long term Day to day

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Geoff Schroder

Trust and the Web

So much is published on the web with the purpose of making a sale.  There are more and more videos, and pages written that start

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Geoff Schroder

The Next Piece of the Puzzle

The “Straw that broke the camel’s back” idiom refers to a small change that has a big outcome.  Usually, this idiom is interpreted for negative

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Everything is a System

An effective mindset for entrepreneurship is that everything you do is a system. As a Business Analyst, I define a system of a collection of

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

February 2021 Monthly Review

What went well? Consistent blogging Course units for JournaledLife course nearing completion Investing returns still paying the bills What didn’t go well? COVID restrictions What

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

You Can Never Go Back!

When people imagine the future, they do so by projecting who they are today into that future. Similarly, when they remember the past, they do

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

What are the facts?

Everyone has biases, not everyone knows what their biases are. Biases have a direct effect on making decisions.  There is the example of the world-famous

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Decision Versus Outcome

Making a good decision is not the same as picking a good outcome. It is possible to make a great decision that has a poor

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Exponential Growth

One thing that COVID has taught us is another way of comprehending exponential growth. Instead of a rate of return, there is the R0 value

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Geoff Schroder

A View of the Future

I see the potential for a future where there is an all-in-one app for every niche no matter how small. For smaller organizations, the number

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Geoff Schroder


FOPYOT – Fear of putting yourself out there. Many of us, myself included have a fear of putting our thoughts and ideas out there. The

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Geoff Schroder

One Piece at a Time

Finding your voice is not something that happens overnight.  Finding your voice is not something that you stumble upon, it is something that you create

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Ask Better Questions

Business Analyst Principle: Questions are a key part of business analysis. The general framework I use for business analysis is Discover, Analyze, Innovate, Communicate. Questions

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Geoff Schroder

Decision Based Marketing

Decision-based marketing is a marketing approach based on the needs of the client. Decision-based marketing is creating awareness for potential clients to allow them to

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Geoff Schroder

What if?

One way to look at life is that it contains many puzzles that people are trying to solve. Each puzzle that we solve creates value

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Communicate in Pictures

Business Analyst Principle: A picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to communicating to clients what you have understood, analyzed, or innovated, a

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

Heuristic Thinking

There is an app called flow that I play with my son.  We race to see who can get the puzzles finished first. The game

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Start Where Your Stakeholder Is

BA Principle: Meet stakeholders where they are. Business analysts are sometimes called change agents.  As a change agent, your role is to help lead the

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Discover and Analyze

BA principle: To be effective a business analyst needs a deep domain understanding. The role of a business analyst is to facilitate change where the

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

Life and Fairness

One of my life values is fairness. I realize that life is not fair, luck and happenstance make it that way. Fairness, on the other

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Understand How Stakeholders Learn

Business Analyst Principle: Understand how your stakeholders learn. The key to effective communication is understanding how the other person learns.  Once you understand how they

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Budget for a Happy Life

A budget has dual purposes. The first is to track what money has been spent. It is a perspective of the past, of what has

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Focus on Creating Value

Business Analyst Principle #1: Focus on value The main focus of a business analyst is to create value for the client. This is more difficult

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

How Far We Have Come

I still have the first computer I ever bought.  I keep it frame on my wall as a reminder of much things change. The computer

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Process versus Tactics

At times the line between process and tactics becomes blurred.  Keeping these two concepts distinct will add value whether you are looking at it from

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Geoff Schroder

Blockchain Facts

Fake news is a big issue on the internet. Facts are misquoted and used out of context. Opinions are stated as facts. Made up facts

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Geoff Schroder

Live the Adventure

The “Live the Adventure” tagline I created back in the mid-’90s as a personal affirmation that encapsulated my approach to life. I ended my journal

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Geoff Schroder

Start with the End in Mind

When designing a productized service define the deliverables at the beginning before you even have your first client for the productized service. If you have

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

January 2021 Monthly Review

What went well? Consistent blogging Road to Thrive website build product is days away from being complete What didn’t go well? COVID restrictions are still

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Confidence and Colgate

There is a toothpaste commercial where it is stated that 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Colgate toothpaste. What people don’t get is that the

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Geoff Schroder

Individuals are Empowered

It amazes me how empowered individuals are these days. A person can publish a blog and have people all over the world read it. A

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

To Vaccinate or Not

There is a lot written in the media about the vaccine for COVID. Most of it is irrelevant to the decision to get vaccinated or

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

5-Why’s for Resolving Conflict

The 5-Why’s technique is business analysis technique for getting at the root cause of issues.  You start by asking why in relation to the issue. 

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Opposite Thinking

A key thinking style for business analysts is what I call opposite thinking. It’s is also called being a Devil’s advocate, but sometimes that role

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

First-Principles Thinking

First-principles is one of my favorite thinking styles. Consists of looking at whatever understanding you have and determining what are the underlying facts and principles

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

The Path Not Taken

I read an article about Warren Buffet’s son that resonated with my current journey. Warren Buffett’s son ‘doesn’t regret’ spending $90,000 of Berkshire stock he

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

My Perfectionism

After creating the first 60 posts on this site I started to see my perfectionism creep in. These posts are for me to put my

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Geoff Schroder

The Road to Thrive

There is an archetypal life journey for a service-based business that we call the I call the Road to Thrive.  It is the journey we

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Geoff Schroder

Business as a Customer Journey

The process that starts with a potential customer searching for an outcome The concept of searching for an outcome is especially prevalent for a psychologist.

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Geoff Schroder

Marketing for Gold

One of my favorite shows is Gold Rush.  It is a great metaphor for working through something to glean the nuggets of value within. The

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Responsibility and Feedback

If you get irritated or upset with feedback it is an indication that you are not taking responsibility. You are pushing off the change you

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