My Daily Thoughts


Infinite Perspectives

What you see depends not only on what you look at, but also on where you look from.
James Deacon

The internet has changed the world and still continues to change the world.

One key activity for anyone in this online, connected world is publishing, putting your unique perspective out into the online world and thereby creating an audience.  That audience becomes a valuable asset, whether you use it as a networking tool, for monetizing products and services on the web, or for finding partnerships or opportunities.

Many people get stuck at this point because what they consider putting out there is already there.

This happens when your perspective and the topic become intermixed.  The best way to think about this is to relate it to photography.  The object of the photograph is synonymous with your topic.  Your perspective is synonymous with where you choose to position the camera.  In photography, you could be a close-up photographer, a wide-angle photographer. You can photograph the object from above or below or behind.  There is an infinite number of spots around an object where you can take the picture.  Each different picture offers a different view or different understanding of the object.

It is the same with producing content.  At the macro level you can produce written, or video, or podcasts. When you produce content as it relates to your journey, that content automatically becomes unique because your journey is unique.  Just as there is an infinite number of ways you can photograph an object, there is an infinite number of ways you can share information on a topic.

Just imagine how empty the world would be if once a photograph of something was taken, there was never another photograph taken.  There would be one photograph of you, one photograph of your favorite place, one photograph of each mountain.  You get the idea.

Share your knowledge and perspective to keep the world an interesting place.

Live the Adventure


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