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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Future of Questions

Artificial intelligence is rapidly growing in ability. Tasks such as writing are being done better and significantly faster with AI. What this means are the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Build Your Life Work

The world is becoming more and more digital and what we as individuals produce is becoming more digital Being digital means that it can be

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Creating a Vision

Creating a vision is sometimes hampered by day-to-day issues. This is true whether we are looking at personal growth or the future of an organization.

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

True to Yourself

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. Part of being true to ourselves is recognizing and accepting our strengths and weaknesses. While weaknesses may

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

PBOK for Life Decisions

Good decisions are created based on good data. Your life decisions are based on your life so it will be your personal book of knowledge

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

The Roadmap

When implementing a new software system, the installation is just one small part of the entire roadmap. Other milestones on the roadmap include: Phases of

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

What the World Needs

When you have become good at something you love, that is the time when you create something that the world needs. If you try to

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Be Good at What You Love

A high-level design pattern for life design starts with finding out what you love doing. Finding what you love requires you to try many different

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Data Model First

One of the most valuable assets a business has is its data. A focus for a business analyst is the data model. The data model

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Why What How

Understanding the business outcomes and the business goals creates the context for what needs to be in place. The business outcomes and business goals define

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Happiness as a Metric

Happiness is not something you can directly create, it is the side effect of the things that you do. It is similar to weight, you

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Metaphors for Understanding

Metaphors are a useful tool for business analysts to use to create common understandings between different stakeholders. When you can create a metaphor that encapsulates

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Start to Here to Finish

Knowing how far you have come is a great motivator for moving forward. Knowing how far you have to go is a great motivator. When

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

First Hump

You have made a great set of resolutions. You had a great Christmas season. You are now back into day-to-day life. This is the time

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Quality Questions

Questions are one of the most effective tools in a business analyst toolkit. To make questions as effective as possible they need to take in

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Business Analysis Curiosity

A key trait for a business analyst is curiosity. When learning a new domain or understanding business and solution requirements, curiosity is what motivates a

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Use Your PBOK

Now that you have made your New Year’s resolution, use your personal book of knowledge (PBOK) to assist on your journey. Your PBOK contains your

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Take One Small Step

Today is the first day of 2023. For many of us, we stayed up late and are still in holiday mode. My suggestion is to

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

December Monthly Review

December Monthly Review What went well? I had a wonderful Christmas holiday with my family My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Make Resolutions for You

When you make your resolutions, make them for future you in six months. Imagine you are you in six months and imagine what you have

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Feelings for 2023

One way to create New Year’s resolutions is to focus on feelings. Choose 3 feelings for 2023. What are the top three feelings you want

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Our Life Our Art

The gift of life is the opportunity to create your life. Our ultimate creation is the life we have lived. How will other see it?

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Path Through Ikigai

Ikigai offers us a path through life. When we are young we figure out what we love to do. As young adults we get good

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Geoff Schroder

Track AI

It is going to become increasingly more important to keep track of AI and the associated AI tools. What is a novelty today will be

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Geoff Schroder

AI orchestrators

Artificial intelligence is going to make us all into orchestrators. AI will become part of all the tools we use and will result in everyone

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Reduce Focus for 2023

One perspective to have for your planning of 2023 is focus. What are you choosing to focus on in 2023? The more things you focus

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Geoff Schroder

We will become artists

The future will be one where we take our seeds of creativity and make them a reality. Artists start with a seed of creativity and

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Find Your Focus

In everything we do there is the initial seed of creativity followed by the craftsmanship of making the idea a reality. The importance of understanding

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Create a clean slate

2023 is coming fast. Creating focus, motivation, and energy for a new year starts with a clean slate. Use the end of 2022 to tie

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Geoff Schroder

AI will change the world

ChatGPT is demonstrating that artificial intelligence models are beginning to become mainstream. ChatGPT is producing amazing results now. The underlying models are going to become

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Many Perspectives

You can look at a domain or an issue from many perspectives. Each perspective will have slightly different models, frameworks, and other representations to understand

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Understanding Starts with Organizing

Approaching any new project, issue, situation begins with discovery and then to understanding what is discovered. The first part of that understanding is organizing what

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Your Way

Everyone is different. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. A way of doing things that works for a detailed oriented person is not

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Cultivate Wonder

The experience of wonder opens us up to possibilities. Wonder and amazement remind us that there can always be something more. The feeling reminds us

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Design Experiences

Ultimately we live our lives to experience different emotions. It is how we feel that determines if we are living the life we want. Rather

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Plan for the worst

Everyone should have a roadmap for their life based on the goals and aspirations. We can all dream and design the roadmap based on everything

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Your Creation

Take the time to recognize those things in your life that are growing. Once recognized, keep track through your journal so that you can see

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Christmas is giving

The spirit of Christmas is giving. Christmas is at the end of the year because the outcome of giving is renewal. Giving psychologically empties you

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Comparison Machine

Our brains are comparison machines. Our brain will evaluate and prioritize whatever we focus on. We will always like one thing more than another. When

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Every Engagement is Different

A business analyst has a wide range of techniques for understanding a domain and the requirements of a solution. A business analyst also has a

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

November Monthly Review

What went well? I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing information. My daily blogging practice

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Geoff Schroder

Review to Refine

For your knowledge in your PBOK to be valuable you need to constantly refine it. Refine by adding clarity to what is written. Refine by

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Importance of Clarity

Clarity in project work is very important, especially early on in a project. The result of focusing on creating clarity early in a project is

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Test Ideas

Every idea may be wrong. It doesn’t matter how strongly you believe in an idea, you should always test the idea. Are there facts that

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Focus by Subtraction

The definition of focus by is “to concentrate” Every time we are interrupted, it takes away from our focus. Every time we have to

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Who and Why Before Vision

Two major components that are required to design a life are: Who you want to be? Why were you born? Answering these two questions sets

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Take People as they Are

You cannot change people, they are who they are. You need to accept them for who they are, not what you expect them to be.

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Determine Outcome then Deliverable

When determining what deliverables are required for a project the first step is to determine what the outcome is. If the outcome is shared understanding,

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Know the Why

The first thing that needs to be understood in any situation is to understand the why. The why is the beginning and the why ultimately

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Combine with a Roadmap

A roadmap is an excellent tool for combining a set of activities or objectives into the big picture. The roadmap shows the big goal that

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

System Agility

A key perspective in implementing new solutions, especially information technology solutions is how you can transition out of the solution when it becomes obsolete. Sometimes

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Geoff Schroder

Power is Options

One way to define power is in terms of options. The more options we have the more power we have. The better the options we

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Reduce To Do List

One main focus for the end of the year is to finish up as many things on your to-do list as possible in order to

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Geoff Schroder

Find Who Values You

Part of finding your path in life is finding who values what you have to offer. You will not be valued by everyone. You will

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Geoff Schroder

Create First

Contrary to what many entrepreneurs preach, I believe you should strive to create something of value first and then find an audience that values the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

One Life

We have one life to live, let us make sure we make the most of it. Every day is a gift for us to experience.

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder


We are free today because someone made a sacrifice yesterday. With the Ukraine war still going on, this is more relevant than ever. We owe

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Refine Understandings

Learning and communicating go hand in hand. In order to communicate an understanding we need the understanding to start with. To find a simple way

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Live for 1 3 5 10 20

Live your life to maximize your happiness and fulfillment. Remember that your life is not just today it is from today until your death. Determine

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Geoff Schroder

Future Self Reader

Your personal book of knowledge (PBOK) is created for your future self. At some point in the future, you are going to consume what you

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Look Back

One technique for solving problems is to imagine yourself in the future where the problem has been solved. Ask your future self: What does the

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Five Why’s

The most important question to ask is why. It is also the easiest question to answer. This is where the 5-Why’s technique comes in. Once

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Compound Knowledge

Compound knowledge is the knowledge that is based on other knowledge. You can’t learn accounting until you learn math. You can’t learn to improvise on

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Assets

Life takes work. Work allows us to create value and trade that value for money. We then trade that money for things or experiences. Both

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Your Journeys

Your life is a series of journeys that are undertaken at the same time. Each day there is the journey of getting up, starting your

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Look back in November

November is for reflecting back on the year so far. What has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what would you like to be different? The

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

October Monthly Review

What went well? I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing information. My daily blogging practice

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Think or Do

Life is a series of experiences and reflections on those experiences. Both are important. Experiences without reflection lead to random chance. Reflection without experience leads

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Make Reflection a Habit

Self-reflection is a habit that will pay dividends over time. But just like the stock market, sometimes there will be a loss, and sometimes there

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Geoff Schroder

Write to Your Future

When you write to your future self or write notes that are to be read at a future time you are capturing a lot of

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Geoff Schroder

Links and More Links

One of the most valuable parts of your personal book of knowledge is links. Links help you navigate the relationships between the things you know.

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Know Your Number

The first major plateau to get to is creating a life that makes you happy and is sustainable for the rest of your life. It

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Geoff Schroder

Write Your Memoir Now

Writing your memoir as you live will reflect your real experience and thoughts. Writing your memoirs later results in bias. When looking back, who you

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Clear Scope Statement

A clear scope statement is critical for a project to use resources efficiently. The more efficiently the resources are used the more value a project

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Big Vision to Escape

If you are lost in the woods and you have a map that shows an area within the woods you are not going to be

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Decision Ownership

You and you alone are responsible for your life. There are people along the way that help, but there is no guarantee that they will

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Geoff Schroder

Skill Outcome

The best skills to have are the skills that directly produce an outcome that a client wants. Many skills that people have are enabling skills,

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Geoff Schroder

Always Competition

A customer is always trying to get the best deal. Therefore, if you are creating any kind of business where you are trading value for

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Unique and Authentic

Choose to be you regardless of what others think. By choosing you, there are so many possibilities that the result will be that you are

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Ikigai is not a Map

Ikigai is not a map it is a starting and an endpoint. As a starting point, Ikigai identifies what you love and what you are

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Design for Personas

When we design for personas rather than designing for generic users we create a system that can be used by real users. When we design

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Refine Refine Understand

To understand something deeply you need to be able to conceptualize into models and concepts that can be used to further the understanding. The first

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Find You

There are parts of you that are part of who you are, and there are parts of you that you get to create. You don’t

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

There is always a path

A belief or principle I live by is that there is always a path. That path may not be clear, and it may be different

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Geoff Schroder

Package your experience

If you create an outcome for someone you are creating value in the world. If you teach 10 people how to create the outcome and

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Backstage in Government

Doing service design in government adds another layer of complexity Much of what the government does is enable other parts of the government to function.

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Outside the Wall

One way to determine customers for service design is to imagine a wall around the business. Everything inside the wall is the people and processes

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Efficient or Innovative

In service design the more end-to-end the services that are being brainstormed the more chance for something innovative to result. The more a service is

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Practice Makes Perfect

Every year when it starts to get cold the Canada Geese start to practice. In the beginning, they don’t take off at the same time,

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Start Year End Review Now

Now is the time to collect what you need for your year-end review. The key to an effectively yearly review and subsequent plan for the

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Geoff Schroder

A Website is a Conversation

People browsing the internet are searching for answers, information, and entertainment. When the information is presented in a readable way, it will be consumed more

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Minimum Mission

A minimum mission is a perspective to help build security. A mission requires work. We are willing to do this work because we need to

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Know what makes you happy

Happiness is the ultimate life metric If you don’t know what makes you happy, you don’t have a way of measuring how good your life

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

September Monthly Review

What went well? I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing information. My daily blogging practice

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Happiness and Investing

We work for money. We trade money for luxuries and experiences, in other words, happiness. There is always a trade-off between investing and using money,

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Know What Done Means

Knowing what done means allows you to be efficient. Without knowing what done means results in work that may or may not bring value. When

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Service Design Focuses on Outcomes

Service design starts with knowing who the personas are. Service design determines the outcomes the personas are looking for. Service design helps to keep the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

When are you Good?

We all have capabilities that we excel at. We can maximize those capabilities by determining the circumstances where we really excel at those capabilities. Ask

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

The role of business analyst

The role of the business analyst is changing. The business analyst traditionally was the liaison between business subject matter experts and technical experts. Now the

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Evolution and Service Design

Every evolution in technology empowers everyone. Businesses exist for clients to obtain value in the form of services or products. When the creation of services

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Maximize Value

You only live once. Find what you value and create more of it. Look at all things you value and create more overall value. Don’t

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Create Real Value

Create a life path based on creating value. The only way to accomplish this is to create something that you value. This is another way

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Geoff Schroder

Pomodoro efficiency

One way of structuring your day in a way that facilitates metrics for how well you are living is to structure your day into short

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Seek to create value

Every system is either growing or dying. As part of that system, you are either contributing to the growth of the system or the dying

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Design Metrics

Understanding that we need life metrics is the first step. The second step is figuring out what to track. What to track is different for

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Why have Life Metrics?

Life metrics are a key part of executing your map for your life design. Life metrics are a way of measuring what you are creating

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Geoff Schroder

Is a broken clock ever right?

When trying to determine the value of a service or product there are two different value perspectives. There is the value perspective of the consumer,

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Service or Process

What is the difference between a service and a process? A process has an initiator, a set of activities, and an output. A service has

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Geoff Schroder

Ethical Marketing

The content you produce falls into two buckets, value for your tribe or for promotion. Don’t mix the two. Focus on creating real value for

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Deliverables Define Process

Every deliverable on a project has a purpose. It creates an outcome for the client or it provides an outcome required for another task within

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Talking in Circles

Every business analyst has experienced topics that seem to go around in circles endlessly. This is especially frustrating at the beginning of the project when

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Communication and Decisions

As a business analyst, it is our role to facilitate good decisions. There will be cases where we gather the information, form the recommendation, and

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Who Gets the Value

One key aspect of service design is connecting the value with the stakeholder that is receiving the value. Oftentimes as a business analyst, we are

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Geoff Schroder

Your Movie Character

A personal brand is about clarity of who you are. Think of a character in a book or a movie. A great movie has deep

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Big Picture or Details

As a business analyst understanding a new domain should we look at the big picture or the details? The answer is both. Each is a

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Roadmap Potholes

Creating a roadmap for replacing legacy applications is not always easy. There are many things to take into consideration. Dependencies on other systems Data exchange

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Portal for Focus

One key component of your PBOK is having one place to go that is the portal to everything else in your life. Having one place

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Connection and Freedom

Everyone wants to be free, to have the option to make whatever decision they want. Everyone also wants to be connected to be part of

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Consider Pain

Take pain into account. Pain has ten times the influence as pleasure but will ebb over time, pleasure will grow. Pain stops you from doing

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Design Your Day

No matter where we are in our life journey, one of the first things we should be doing is designing our day. Not what are

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

August Monthly Review

What went well? I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing information. My daily blogging practice

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Geoff Schroder

Build Something

The mindset of building over simply doing allows us to take advantage of the cumulative effect. If we take on an endeavor without the idea

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Definition of Done

One perspective for refining your life design is the definition of done. For each objective of your life design spend the time to understand when

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Wisdom through Repetition

A path to wisdom is asking and reflecting on questions. Asking the same question over time can amplify the process. Pick a question and then

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