My Daily Thoughts


Evolution and Service Design

It's seeing the invisible problem, not just the obvious problem, that's important, not just for product design, but for everything we do. You see, there are invisible problems all around us, ones we can solve. But first we need to see them, to feel them.
Bernadette Jiwa

Every evolution in technology empowers everyone.

Businesses exist for clients to obtain value in the form of services or products.

When the creation of services or products was hard, there needs to be one service or product for large groups.

Now, with the improvement of technology, there can be a wide variety of products and services.

It is now more important for the products and services to be aligned with the consumers of those products and services. It is therefore logical to build these products and services collaboratively. The products and services are the products and services that the client values.

The more everyone is empowered the blurrier the line between business and customers will become. It is evolving into a more equal relationship where they are both co-creating the products and services.

Live the Adventure


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