My Daily Thoughts


Ikigai is not a Map

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison

Ikigai is not a map it is a starting and an endpoint.

As a starting point, Ikigai identifies what you love and what you are good at. This is the starting point, your current state.

As an ending point, Ikigai identifies what people need and want. This is the ending point, the future state.

You have to take what you love and what you are good at and create something of real value. If it doesn’t have value then people don’t need it

You have to find your audience and make them want it. At this point, you have created something they need. Now it is just communication.

Once you understand Ikigai, you need to create a map or a way of getting from your current state to your future state.

This is the journey of your life.

Live the Adventure


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