My Daily Thoughts

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Life Growth

Whatever is not growing is dying. This is the same with your vision and purpose. Every day your vision and purpose needs to grow. A

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Use exponential growth

If you put away 100 dollars when you are 20 and it compounds at 10% you will have 7280.05 when you are sixty-five. It is

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Test Interpretations

The important interpretations in your life, the ones you use to make big life decisions should always be challenged. Ask yourself, how can this interpretation

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Good Interpretations

The more observations an interpretation can predict the more effective the interpretation. If an interpretation can specify a path that consistently produces an expected outcome

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Get Clarity on Facts

Facts are observations about the world around us. Facts are the observation, not the reality underneath the observation Facts are only as good as the

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Create Wisdom

The recipe for wisdom is a simple five-step process. 1. Observe Facts 2. Interpret Facts 3. Predict New Facts 4. Test 5. Repeat Simply observe

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Focus on the Practice

Don’t judge the outcomes. You don’t have control of the outcomes. Judge the process. Part of judging the process is determining how well you fit

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

AI as sounding board

I am a person who looks to bounce ideas off people. The back and forth helps me refine my ideas. ChatGPT now gives me a

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Geoff Schroder

Always Review

It is so easy to forget. I create timelines of the memorable experiences in my life. When I review my timelines there are always events

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Monthly Review

May Monthly Review What went well? My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing everything about my life journey My treadmill, stretching, meditation,

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

AI for refinement

As creators, everything we create can be refined by AI. AI, and it is only going to get better, has the knowledge of the internet.

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Geoff Schroder

Sentient AI

One outcome of artificial intelligence becoming sentient is that it will help us determine why we are sentient. It is funny that we are worried

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder


School should put us on the path to realizing our life goals. If happiness and fulfillment are the metrics for our lives, then how well

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Geoff Schroder

Growth is Slow

Growth is a slow process at times. We also tend to remember the past based on what we know today. The combination of these two

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Geoff Schroder

Same Question

One way of learning more about yourself or about your life is to ask yourself the same question daily. It may seem odd to ask

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Create Your Outline

When approaching learning anything new figure out the high-level groupings of information. These can be viewed as the hierarchy, the chapters, the key areas, or

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Talk to the Expert

If you could talk to the world expert on a subject that interests you, you would have a set of questions. It is no different

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Geoff Schroder

Structured Data and AI

Large language models don’t handle structured data very well.  The AI doesn’t have the context that is represented in the structure of the data. If

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Measure Outcome by Values

Whatever we do in life produces outcomes. To judge our lives we need to judge our outcomes. Outcomes are judged based on our values. I

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Geoff Schroder

AI and Decisions

I foresee a time when we will use AI to make our decisions. AI can gather more information on the pros and cons of a

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Value in Knowledge

There is value in knowledge. The knowledge that you feed into AI today can be the same knowledge you feed in tomorrow. This is an

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

BA Pipeline

A business analyst goes through a series of steps from the initial business case to the big picture, to the business requirements, to the solution

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

What is the core data

Artificial intelligence is going to change the business analyst role. Artificial intelligence will write requirements. Artificial intelligence will turn requirements into solutions. It will be

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Create Questions

When you are learning a new domain as a business analyst, you want to understand the domain well enough so that you can ask questions

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Geoff Schroder

Organize Knowledge

Artificial intelligence requires knowledge. The current versions of AI like ChatGPT get their knowledge from the internet. This knowledge can be supplemented by other knowledge.

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Seek Clarity

A key outcome a business analyst creates is clarity. Good requirements build clarity in the solution required for a change. Informed decisions are informed by

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Geoff Schroder

Create Constantly

Creativity happens in the process of creating. You are not creative first, it is part of the process. Therefore to be creative you need to

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

You can always engage more

Being present is a skill. Meditation is a skill that helps a person practice being present. Like meditation, being present is on a continuum and

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Let Go

All we have is now. The future is a probability. The past is over. Live for today. What really makes you happy and fulfilled today?

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Russian Dolls

Every issue is part of a bigger issue. No issue can be solved without taking the larger issue into account. A change to resolve an

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Geoff Schroder

Practice Journaling

There are many ways of journaling. Capturing your daily activities Capturing your daily thoughts and reflections Capturing answers to questions Reflecting on a topic Capturing

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Who do you want to be

One thread of creating your dream life is determining who you want to be and pursuing making that person a reality. The core of who

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Satisfaction Metric

I asked ChatGPT for a measurement for how well a person is living their life and this is what ChatGPT produced. A common Likert scale

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Happiness Metric

Measuring happiness is a skill that we can learn. Having a life metric for happiness allows us to see how well we are living our

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Happiness is the Metric

The best metric for measuring your life is happiness! It may seem like an easy, selfish metric, but if you really think about how different

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Build a Life

Creating the life you want is always a holistic endeavor. If you don’t address all life areas then the life areas that are ignored will

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Geoff Schroder

Build Your Lego Set

The future is unpredictable. The only thing we can predict is that it is going to change and it is going to change quickly. Those

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Financial Plan

Financial planning is simply money in and money out. For every transaction, determine the value the transaction has for you. For money coming in, this

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Geoff Schroder

Idea Versus Implementation

The first phase of AI is the democratization of expertise. The second phase will be a set of apps that encapsulate the implementation of the

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

April Monthly Review

What went well? My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing everything about my life journey My treadmill, stretching, meditation, and diet habits

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Geoff Schroder

Wealth is Reach

The number one piece of advice that I would give young people is to build their platform. In the digital age, it is the number

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Geoff Schroder

Pick a Lane

To truly create something of value takes time. The more time dedicated towards the creation, the more valuable the creation will be. We now compete

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

AI Makes Us Think

People are afraid that artificial intelligence is going to take away our ability to think. In some cases this is true. The mundane logic-based thinking

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Business Analyst as Conductor

A future role for a business analyst is as a conductor of artificial intelligence. The large language models of artificial intelligence will require prompting followed

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Geoff Schroder

Valuable Assets

What will be valuable assets in the future? The value of an asset is related to its scarcity. Expertise, which will become democratized due to

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Geoff Schroder

Agility is Key

In the future expertise will be available to everyone. In the future resources, especially digital will be available to everyone. What will set people apart

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Geoff Schroder

Big Picture

Big-picture critical thinking is going to be a key skill in the new world. Outcomes will be created by understanding the expertise and process required

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Geoff Schroder

Democratized Expertise

Artificial intelligence is going to democratize expertise. We will be able to access expertise the same way we can access the internet. The question becomes,

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Geoff Schroder

Don’t Invest to Win

The stock market is too complicated and there are too many factors that affect the price of a stock. Trying to pick a winning stock

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Be Happy Anyways

Life is sometimes unfair. A reaction to the unfairness is to be unhappy. We feel that if we are happy then we are accepting the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Ying and Yang

Some say that we should only think of others and others who say we should only think of ourselves. Both of these are true. To

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Geoff Schroder

Democratized Expertise

Expertise such as doctors, and lawyers, will become democratized with artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT. Once trained, AI will be able to fulfill these jobs

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Geoff Schroder

Be a Craftsman

Artificial intelligence is going to replace much of the knowledge work that is done today. Many white-collar jobs will simply be replaced by AI. The

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Geoff Schroder

Create Value

When designing a life we start with purpose, we start with why we were put on this earth. The only way this why makes sense

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Find Joy Everyday

Joy is to be experienced every day. Joy is what you feel when you are truly being yourself while pursuing your vision and purpose. Joy

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Connect With Self

Connecting with yourself is a key activity for a fulfilling life. The first step for connecting with yourself is to know who you are. The

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Enjoy the Moment

Enjoy the moment has a double meaning. You need to enjoy and you describe the enjoyment.  It is both what you bring to the experience

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Awareness is Subtle

Awareness is subtle in how it changes you. You don’t change immediately, you change slowly over time in ways that you may not even notice.

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Geoff Schroder

Find Patterns Organically

One of the most valuable parts of journaling is the organic creation of patterns that unlock your wisdom. The patterns are created from linking notes

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Untangle Processes

When processes are tangled, complicated tools are required to handle the processes. The tool needs to cover the whole process. When you untangle the processes,

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Whole Practice

Create a practice that incorporates everything in your life. A practice is simply the processes you follow on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly

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Geoff Schroder

Be Your First Customer

Create what you would buy. If you become your first customer then you automatically come out ahead. The worst-case scenario is that you gain a

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Geoff Schroder

Your Experience

Your experience is the one things that is unique to you, no one else has the same experience that you have had. Artificial intelligence is

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Geoff Schroder

5 Links of Separation

“5 Links of separation” is a principle to follow when creating your PBOK. The principle states that you should be able to navigate from any

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Use Irritability

Irritability is a sign that something is out of balance. Focus on what the irritant is. The irritant could be something that can be removed

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Have Clear Direction

A plan provides a high-level roadmap that outlines how you are going to go from where you are to the future state you desire A

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Understand Data First

A clear understanding of the data is the starting point for understanding other aspects whether that is processes, stakeholders, goals, vision, etcetera. Data is the

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Separate Concerns

You can think of concerns, issues, or problems as a special type of process, and just like processes they need to be untangled and focused.

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

March Monthly Review

What went well? My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing everything about my life journey My treadmill, stretching, meditation, and diet habits

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Keep Vision in Mind

As a business analyst, you always need to have a future vision in mind. The future vision is the ultimate future state you are striving

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Separate Tools from Process

The ideal for a business analyst is to completely separate the tools from the processes that require the tools. When the two are separate, it

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Pick a Lane

The world changes so fast with new things popping up every day. It is hard to keep up. It is also hard not to jump

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Thinking Takes Energy

It is important to understand that thinking takes energy. In order to think in an effective way requires work and effort on your part. It

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Geoff Schroder

Relive and Relearn

Your experiences are a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. You may not always see this at the time you are going through the experience. Reflecting

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Geoff Schroder

Create Connections

A key part of a journaling practice especially when you are creating a personal book of knowledge (PBOK) is to create connections between what you

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Use New Perspectives

A method for solving problems or creating new ideas is to use a new perspective. There are many ways to take a new perspective. If

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Geoff Schroder

Create Ideas

Creating ideas is a skill that is becoming increasingly more important. Doing the work to make the idea a reality is becoming easier and easier.

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Cultivate Wonder

Cultivating wonder is a practice It is the emotion we feel when we see something that is beautiful, mysterious or creates a sense of awe

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Geoff Schroder

AI Shifts Focus

Entrepreneurs of today are those who execute ideas. Entrepreneurs of the future will be those who have great ideas, AI will execute those ideas. The

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Geoff Schroder

Build You

There is the you that is determined by your genes and there is the you that you can choose to be. If you are six

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Practice not Outcome

The outcomes are important when you are planning, but should be ignored when you are executing. A hockey player does not focus on the final

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Have a 1 year timeframe

The world changes so fast. To live a life where you can take advantage of opportunities a 1-year timeframe may make sense. Get to the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Build on Everything

Design your life so that you are building upon outcomes you have created. If you are not building on things, you are creating outcomes that

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Geoff Schroder

Design so it can be improved

When designing or creating anything, keep the perspective of constant improvement in mind. A solution that resists change is hard to improve. Search for solutions

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Hard Work You Enjoy

To create a life you will love, search for hard work that you enjoy. If you pursue easy work then the reward is small. If

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Design for Ease

You have a limited amount of energy for creating your life. There are activities you can do to increase your energy, but those tasks take

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Big Picture

There are two big pictures that need to be understood for any business analysis engagement. The domain big picture and the deliverable big pictures. The

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Refine Based on Big Picture

A philosophical approach to business analysis is to refine based on the big picture. Clients and stakeholders may get lost in the weeds, but a

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Seek Clarity

Seek clarity in everything you do. Start with the facts and the observations and then create your interpretations. Don’t blindly accept what others say, do

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Life Steps

There are three major steps in life 1. Determine your self 2. Determine your practice – what will you do? 3. Determine your map –

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Business Analysis Plan

A business analysis plan outlines the business analysis activities that will be performed to fulfill overall project goals. A good business analysis plan states the

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Good Business Analyst

A good business analyst is a person that empowers clients to make well-informed decisions. A good business analyst is a person that empowers clients to

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Consistent Practice

The outcomes in your life are the result of the actions you take. The actions you take make up your practice. It is called a

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Ideas & Opinions
Geoff Schroder

Agree on Facts

The start of any debate or discussion on an issue should start with the presentation and agreement on the facts and observations. Oftentimes, facts and

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Geoff Schroder

What is your life work

In the past, people had the opportunity to leave behind their life’s work in the form of a book, or a work of art. As

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Geoff Schroder

World Benefit

We work to create the world we live in. Each of us individually contributes. As individuals, we should not be taking more than what we

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

February Monthly Review

What went well? My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing everything about my life journey My treadmill, stretching, meditation, and diet habits

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Geoff Schroder

Vision then Tools

There are so many tools available to help you to create. Software is continually improving, and now we have artificial intelligence becoming mainstream. It is

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

There are very few facts

A fact is something that is 100% verified as true. When we apply first principles thinking we realize that most facts are either interpretations or

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Understand the Other Side

Understand both sides. Every interpretation has a chance to be right. Understanding all sides pushes us to form interpretations from the bottom up. Take all

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Know Your Facts

If you are referring to something make sure you have the facts and you are not just regurgitating someone else’s opinion. If you say something

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Know Your Definitions

When you are making a point or you are defending a point of view make sure you know the definition of all the words you

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Clear Scope

The key aspect of achieving an outcome is having a clear idea of what the scope is. Always have a clear scope whether at the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Clear Thinking

There are facts, observations, and interpretations There is never 100% confidence in an interpretation therefore any interpretation could be wrong. Understand all interpretations of the

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

In Head or Paper

Ideas take up space in our heads and there is finite space to be used. Ideas that we stress over take up more room which

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Hold Opposing Ideas

Our world is becoming increasingly more complicated. In many situations, there is merit on both sides. We need to foster the ability to hold opposing

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Nurture Your Garden

We should all be creators of value. What value you create is your decision. A perspective on the value you create is to treat it

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

One Role Many People

In business analysis roles and individuals are two different things. An individual can have many different roles. This is true in personal life as well

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Energy Positive Life Design

When you are creating a life design, one of the factors to take into account is your energy. We all have activities that drain us,

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Practice versus Goals

Goals are a metric, your practice is what you focus on. You can have goals such as making a certain amount of money or losing

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Standard Requirements

When software solutions were first developed, the requirements for building the solution needed to be very specific. As we understand solutions better the requirements can

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Geoff Schroder

Fuller Experiences

We gain enjoyment and fulfillment from our life experiences. The greater our understanding of a situation the greater the enjoyment and fulfillment of the situation.

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

What is Your Goal

AI is goal based algorithm. If you want to use AI to increase your satisfaction with life, or to help create the type of life

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Geoff Schroder

Personal AI or Generic AI

AI is a tool that is fed with knowledge. That knowledge consists of verified facts, unverified facts, falsehoods, observations, and interpretations. Naturally, there will be

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Geoff Schroder

The World Wide Web and AI

When the world wide web was created it was empty. The world wide web was built as people built websites that connected to other websites.

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Forgiveness and Freedom

Forgiveness is the flip side of freedom. When you don’t forgive, you are giving away part of your control to an outside entity. This results

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Geoff Schroder

There are New Ideas

It was Mark Twain who said There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

You Are Responsible

You and you alone are responsible for your life. Life is unfair, you will have bad luck, and bad things will happen to you. You

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Geoff Schroder

AI is a Tool

It is important to understand that artificial intelligence (AI) in its current form is a tool. It may be able to produce some amazing things,

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Learn from Your PBOK

We create our personal book of knowledge so that we can extract wisdom from our life experiences and life reflections. Imagine what AI will be

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Geoff Schroder

What is Creativity

If you ask ChatGPT if AI is creative it will say that AI does not have the capacity for human-like imagination The output that ChatGPT

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Geoff Schroder

AI Requires Focus

A question that we will need to ask is: when we are creating value, what is the core of what you are creating? If it

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Geoff Schroder

AI Raises the Bar

Every time there is major progress such as the industrial revolution, the printing press, electricity, and the internet, people become empowered. They have more free

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My Journey
Geoff Schroder

January Monthly Review

What went well? My PBOK is refined and working very well for capturing everything about my life journey I am focusing on my personal life

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Geoff Schroder

Facts More Important

With the rise of artificial intelligence, facts and observations are going to become more and more important. Hopefully, there will be a way of having

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Generic Strategies

A generic strategy is a strategy that can be used in multiple situations. The first step in making a generic strategy is to be aware

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Process Save Time

Our most precious resource is time. Time cannot be created or saved. The only thing we can do is make more effective use of our

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Geoff Schroder

Atomic Notes

“Atomic notes” is a principle for creating notes in your PBOK. An atomic note contains one single thought or idea. Atomic notes allow you to

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Geoff Schroder

Build an Audience

Whether picking a career, a niche, a blog, or an entrepreneurial pursuit, there is the underlying domain knowledge. The underlying domain knowledge needs to be

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

One Thing One Definition

In data modeling, part of the normalization process is that every field has one and only one definition. This is a principle that applies everywhere.

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Agile Systems

A key perspective when evaluating information technology solutions is how the solution can adapt to change. Change is inevitable, things tomorrow are going to be

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Business Analysis
Geoff Schroder

Data First

The most important part of a system is the underlying data. If you understand the data, you will understand the system. Oftentimes the data is

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Your Wisdom

Your wisdom is the combination of what you have experienced and what you have reflected on. Studies show that people forget 50% to 70% of

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Personal Growth
Geoff Schroder

Your Perspective

If you take any spot, different people are going to take pictures from different perspectives. Some may take close-ups, and others will use different angles.

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Life Design
Geoff Schroder

Circular Practice

The circular practice can be applied to almost any activity in your life. It is a practice that builds learning and improvement into whatever you

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Geoff Schroder

Why First

For most people, the “Why” for our work is to make money to pay our bills. Our side hustle gives us the opportunity and the

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