Your vision for your life is what focuses what you do on a day-to-day basis. Everything you do either moves you closer to your vision or further away.
Your vision doesn’t have to be grand or world-changing, or unique. It simply has to be a set of experiences you want to have or do and a set of things you want to have. Don’t get hung up on creating a fully detailed vision, start simply with whatever you can think of that you would want in your life.
Itemize and keep a list of these. They can be as small as wanting a life where you go for a walk every day.
You will notice over time as you specify what you want in life you think of more things you want in life. Your brain is a solution-focused mechanism. Give it a target and it will try to solve for that target.
As you collect more and more of what I call vision statements, they will start to form bigger patterns. It is those patterns that most people think about when they contemplate creating a vision for their lives. But5 you can’t start with the patterns, start small and work your way up.