My Daily Thoughts


What I Learned from a Year of Blogging

We learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same.
Martha Graham

It has now been a year where I have posted every day.

Here are a few of the things that I have learned.

  1. When I look back on what I have written, I feel better about it than when I wrote it.
  2. Writing every day has pushed me to come up with explanations of different ideas I have.
  3. I now consistently evaluate what I do during the day in order to have ideas to write about.
  4. It was hard pushing the publish button in the beginning. Forcing myself to blog every day helped to overcome because it was more important to publish than worry about the post.
  5. Writing has become easier and quicker over time.
  6. The process of publishing is now part of my daily practice.
  7. I have created a set of tools and a process for brainstorming and creating posts.
  8. All my blog posts are in a note-taking tool called Obsidian. The tool links everything together allowing me to see the different groupings of topics.
  9. I have 365 quotes.
  10. It has taught me to be myself more often.
  11. I am now less worried about putting myself out there.
  12. Committing to writing a blog post every day helped to get over my perfectionism.
  13. Helped me learn what I know and areas where I want to learn more.

I hope that the posts trigger people to think, to give them something to talk about.

Live the Adventure


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