My Daily Thoughts


Start Small

Woodworking requires a completely different kind of thinking and problem-solving ability than writing. With writing, you take a set of facts and ideas, and you reason your way forward to a story that pulls them together. With woodworking, you start with an end product in mind, and reason your way backward to the raw wood.
Joshua Foer

When creating start with the smallest complete version you can create.

Having that version that is complete in itself allows you to start the process of refining. You have a starting point and an ending point.

An artist does this with his canvas. Even with a white canvas, the beginning and the end is there.

I follow this process for budgeting. The small is money in, money out, and money saved. Once I have that figured out I can go to the next level down. I can continually refine until it is at the point where I need it.

Live the Adventure


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