My Daily Thoughts


Remember, Relive, Reflect

I think of events like the Challenger and 9/11 - events that move us so much that we never quite get over them. So it's important to go back and relive those feelings in order to remember how important those events were to us.
Kelly Masterson

I find in our busy day-to-day lives that we forget many of the experiences we have.

We have the opportunity to increase our fulfillment in life by reflecting on the experiences we have. We get caught up in the day-to-day struggles and we forget the progress we have made.

We create objectives and when we get close to achieving the objectives we start changing the objective. When we journal our objectives and the experiences in pursuing our objectives we have a written account we can reflect on. Many times we realize that we have exceeded the original objective we started out with.

It is a similar paradigm when we document our highs and our lows in life. When they are written down, we can remember them, and we see that there are more highs than we remember.

Reliving life gives us the motivation to pursue more.

Live the Adventure


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