My Daily Thoughts


Practice versus Goals

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

Goals are a metric, your practice is what you focus on.

You can have goals such as making a certain amount of money or losing a certain amount of weight.

Focusing on the goals is not what achieves them.

A daily practice of habits, processes, and tasks is what will achieve them.

Action is what achieves goals. If a goal can be achieved with a few actions it is not a very good goal. A good goal is a goal that is achieved by consistent action over a long period of time.

You will not get fit by going to the gym once. You get fit by going to the gym consistently over a long period of time.

You will not get make a lot of money by spending an hour pursuing that goal. You will make a lot of money by consistently taking action over a long period of time. Each action creates a tiny bit of value, but over time the value compounds to create something of great value.

Focus on what you are doing each day. Once a quarter or once a year take a step back and determine what the actions are to reach your goals. But again, once you have determined those actions, do them consistently on a daily basis. It is the actions that create the results, not the goals.

Live the Adventure


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