My Daily Thoughts


Practice Makes Perfect

What can cake teach you about life? That practice makes perfect, and if you try something once, it probably won't be perfect, and you have to keep working on it if you want to be good at it.
Nicole Byer

Every year when it starts to get cold the Canada Geese start to practice.

In the beginning, they don’t take off at the same time, their formation is all over the place.

After a month of practicing every day they were able to take off as a group and quickly get into the V formation. Once they became proficient they would start their migration to the south.

We need to practice the same way the geese do. They know why they need the skill and they just keep practicing until the skill is sufficient for the outcome they are needing.

All skills we need to practice. We may not be good at first, but if we keep at it we will learn. We need to practice and we need to know the outcome we are looking for so that we know when the practice stage is over and it is time to put our skills to use.

Live the Adventure


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