My Daily Thoughts


Notes to Self

The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one. A Stanford study showed that those who saw a photo of their future self made smarter financial decisions.
A. J. Jacobs

An effective technique for creating a better life is to write notes to your future or your past self.

Writing notes to your past self is a way of letting things go. As yourself today, you can explain things to your past self as a way of resolving what has happened up to this point.

Writing notes to your future self is a way of making a promise to your future self. You can state what you will do prior to that future time. When your future self reads the note, you have the opportunity to see what was said in relation to what has really happened. Oftentimes the two are quite different.

Take the time to write notes to your future self in a quarter, a year, 3 years, and even ten years in the future. Create the notes in a way that they can be opened at the appropriate time.

Once opened take the time to reflect on who you were and who you are and what the differences are.

Live the Adventure


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