My Daily Thoughts


Just Say No

Make space in your life for the things that matter, for family and friends, love and generosity, fun and joy. Without this, you will burn out in mid-career and wonder where your life went.
Jonathan Sacks

For me, the hardest part of creating a practice isn’t what to do it’s what not to do.

An effective practice needs to effectively manage your time.

An effective practice needs to include all the things you want to focus on in life.

Focus on too many and not enough progress gets made in any single focus.

Focus on too few and your life is out of balance.

Take the time to figure out what you want to focus on in life. What are those areas that you want to focus on? Remember that you have a finite amount of time. Find those areas that result in the most meaning and happiness in life. Based on your choices make sure you have the time you can devote to them, if not you need to figure out which ones to keep and which ones to drop. This is the hard part.

Make a choice on what you will focus on and then create a process you can follow to maximize your effectiveness for that focus.

Don’t forget to address all life areas in what you choose to focus on. There should be a focus related to each life area. What you choose to focus on can be refined so that a single focus can satisfy more than one life area.

Live the Adventure


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