My Daily Thoughts


Good Content Lasts, Great Contests is Forever

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

We still listen to music that was written hundreds of years ago.  The platform that we listen to music on may have changed, but the music is the same.

We still read the thoughts and ideas that were written hundreds of years ago.  We may read that content on a tablet or our smartphone, but the writing is the same.

Currently, on the web, there is a lot of bad content, content that will be gone or ignored.

Good content on the other hand can last forever. The platform that it is displayed on may change.

When you are creating your content whether it is a blog post, a sales page, your home page, or your services pages, write that content with the idea that you want it to last forever.  Take the time to make the content great.

With this approach, your content will be a key asset. Other assets will depreciate over time, but good content will appreciate.

Live the Adventure


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