My Daily Thoughts


Build Assets Daily

Your true assets are the collections of your quality moments on the earth.
Amit Ray

One of the best pieces of entrepreneurial advice I have received is to build assets.

While you are on your life journey, regardless of what you are doing, cultivate the habit to build assets on a daily basis.

What do  I mean by assets:  Assets are things you create that can be used, or repurposed, or build other assets.  Assets such as blog posts build traffic and brand.

List of Assets

  • Savings
  • Blog Posts with associated tags.
  • Documented principles you live by
  • Templates for different kinds of work you do
  • Workflows for different kinds of work you do
  • Resource lists for things you are learning
  • Connections with people who have skills
  • Connections with people who inspire you
  • Lessons you have learned

If you collect all these assets in an organized and structured way, over time you will put yourself in a position where you can accomplish things in a much faster way than other people.  That value will set you apart and bring opportunities that you would not have had without the assets.

Live the Adventure


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