My Daily Thoughts


Treat Habits as a Practice

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Will Durant

Creating new habits or keeping up with existing habits is not always easy.

Treating your habits as a practice is a perspective that makes creating and keeping habits less overwhelming.

Treating habits as a practice helps to remove the fear of failure. If you are practicing shooting baskets, it doesn’t matter if the ball goes in or not, it only matters that you are improving.

A professional athlete never stops practicing. When a professional athlete is in a slump they practice more.

Focusing on building the practice of doing the habit helps to build the discipline until the habit becomes ingrained.

A practice can be constantly improved. With a focus on the practice, you will be focusing on those things that are in your control. You can start out small and build up the practice until you have the habit you want. If you are building a habit like running on the treadmill, the practice is putting your shoes on, picking music, setting up the treadmill, running, and then cleaning up. When you are first starting the practice, focusing on putting your shoes on and getting on the treadmill for 2 minutes is enough. Practice that part of the habit and then slowly add on.


Live the Adventure


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