My Daily Thoughts


To Vaccinate or Not

People must take a modicum of public responsibility for each other even if they have no ties to each other.
Jane Jacobs

There is a lot written in the media about the vaccine for COVID.

Most of it is irrelevant to the decision to get vaccinated or not.

When reduced to facts and interpretations it becomes very simple.

  • What are my chances of getting COVID and serious consequences?
  • What are the chances of getting COVID and spreading it to someone else so they have serious consequences?
  • What are the chances of the vaccine protects from getting COVID?
  • What are the chances of getting a serious side effect from the vaccine?

There is a chance that each of these could be correct, but the chances related to not getting vaccinated far, far outweigh the chances for taking the vaccine.

I will get vaccinated once I have the chance, both for myself and for everyone else.

Live the Adventure


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