My Daily Thoughts

Blog (19)

Requirements are Building Blocks

It’s important to leverage the data the same way, whether it’s a strategic or tactical issue: Have a vision for what you are trying to do. Use data to validate and help you navigate that vision and map it down into small enough pieces where you can begin to execute in a data-informed way. Don’t let the shallow analysis of data that happens to be cheapeasyast to collect nudge you off-course in your entrepreneurial pursuits.
Andrew Chen - Head of Rider Growth, Uber

Requirements are the building blocks for many things other than the solution.

  • When you need to explain the solution to an executive you will use the requirements as building blocks to create the explanation.
  • When you are creating marketing plans for the requirements become one of the sources for copywriting.
  • When you are doing strategic planning that intersects with the solution the requirements feed into that plan.
  • When you are creating an RFP the requirements are the building blocks.
  • When you are comparing potential solutions that requirements form the basis for that comparison.

When you keep all these uses of requirements in mind it helps you keep each requirement focused. Instead of one bigger requirement, you will create the high-level business requirement and then the stakeholder requirements that fulfill the business requirement. The business requirement is used for strategic planning and marketing, the stakeholder requirement is used to describe features for brochures or for comparing with other solutions.

As a business analyst, always remember the many uses for your requirements.

Live the Adventure


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