My Daily Thoughts

Blog (6)

Quarter Focus

Beginning in itself has no value, it is an end which makes beginning meaningful, we must end what we begun.
Amit Kalantri

June is the last month of the second quarter.

The main focus of planning for the last month in a quarter is to complete the objectives of the quarter. The goal is to start the next quarter with a clean slate where there are no outstanding items you are working on.

If there were objectives that were going to take longer, they should have been broken into smaller objectives.

Typically, the last 20% of an objective takes 80% of the effort. Having the last month focused on completely completing objectives allows us to start the next quarter with increased focus.

There are always different things that get in the way of this ideal.

If you have an objective in the current quarter that has grown so you know you will not complete it, you split that objective into multiple objectives. During the last month of a quarter is the time to do this. When splitting the objectives, keep in mind that the new objectives that are not going to be completed will be evaluated at the beginning of the next quarter to see where they will fit. Try to make the objective you will complete this month enough for them to accomplish a minimum version of the overall goal. That way you are not tied to accomplishing the other objectives in the next quarter.

Live the Adventure


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