My Daily Thoughts


Practice not Outcome

The more you practice, the better you get, the more freedom you have to create.
Jocko Willink

The outcomes are important when you are planning, but should be ignored when you are executing.

A hockey player does not focus on the final winning score, a hockey player focuses on playing the next shift properly.

Your practice may be building an outcome, but the focus is on building a good practice. The outcome is what results.

Figure out a set of activities that you execute that you believe will result in the outcome you are looking for. Each day then becomes a practice of doing those activities. As a practice you cannot fail, you are simply trying to do the activities better and more consistently every day.

At set intervals, you take a step back and see how well the practice is creating the outcomes. It is at this point that you refine the activities and then go back to the practice of those activities.

Live the Adventure


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