My Daily Thoughts


October Monthly Review

Looking back is a way to sharpen the focus on the things you want to change in your life. I think there's something about nostalgia that really puts a fine point on the here-and-now, and that can be incredibly fascinating and interesting and engaging for the mind.
Sarah Paulson

What went well?

  • I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing information.
  • My daily blogging practice is still going strong.
  • The Obsidian life design course outline is complete
  • My practice is in place and the different projects are progressing

What didn’t go well?

  • I am still trying to do too many things at the same time but at this point, there is nothing I want to drop
  • The objectives I am working towards are too big so they are continually in progress. It makes monthly reviews like this one seem the same as last month.

What is the focus for next month?

  • My practice now consists of micro-blogging on this site, my learning process, my writing for JournaledLife, and my government contract
  • I am now focusing on getting the Obsidian versions of the Life Design courses completed.
  • The focus is on making the practice consistent and ingrained into my life.

Live the Adventure


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