My Daily Thoughts


My Purpose and Vision for 2021

Life either happens by design or default, you choose.
Bob Proctor

At Journaled Life I define purpose, vision, and mission as follows.

Purpose  – The unique way you create value based on your gifts

Vision – The life you want to create within all the life areas

Mission – The path you want to take to create the life you want

I have a good understanding of what I am good at and what makes me unique.  For me, this is the start of my life design planning that I do every year.

Yesterday was my day to look back, to be grateful and thankful for everything I experienced and everything I have, family, kids, home.

Today is the day where I take a step back from life and start to figure out what type of life I want to live.

As a business analyst, I naturally break these down into requirements.  In the JOurnaledLife paradigm, I call these visions statements.  Each statement is a single experience I want to have or a single thing that I want, or a single capability that I can do.

The sum of all the vision statements is my vision or my life design.

Many of the vision statements that I have already incorporated into my life, or that I am working on I keep. Others I throw away as they have lost importance as I have grown throughout the year.

I will also divide my vision statements into the different life areas so that I know I am actively designing something in each life area.

Live the Adventure


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