My Daily Thoughts

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March 2022 Monthly Review

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.
Benjamin Franklin

What went well?

  • The content on the JournaledLife site has been converted.
  • There are now 598 notes in my FIT framework.  I am continuing to add knowledge to the FIT framework and learning new design patterns for organizing the information.
  • My daily blogging practice is still going strong.

What didn’t go well?

  • Too many activities are taking up my focus.  Now that JournaledLife has been converted I can focus more on my daily practice.

What is the focus for next month?

  • My practice now consists of micro-blogging on this site, my learning process, my writing for JournaledLife, and my government contract
  • The focus is on making the practice consistent and ingrained into my life.


Live the Adventure


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