My Daily Thoughts


Life Steps

The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.
Barbara deAngelis

There are three major steps in life

1. Determine your self
2. Determine your practice – what will you do?
3. Determine your map – what do you want?

Determining your self is figuring out what type of person you want to be. Some of this is genetic, and some of this is a choice. Who you want to be is based on your values and your beliefs.

Determining your practice is figuring out how you are going to live each and every day. How hard are you willing to work? What types of activities will you pursue?

Determining your map is figuring out what your purpose in life is and what the vision is for your life.

All three of these overlap. If you choose a particular map, you may not want to be the type of person that would result. You may not want to put in the work and the activities to make that map a reality.

Many kids may want to be an NHL player as a map but they don’t want the travel, or constant workouts, or the pressure that goes along with being an NHL hockey player.

Life becomes an iterative process of refining the three areas. Pursuing goals that you think might be on your map dictates the practice you need to obtain those goals. If you don’t resonate with the practice you may refine the goals to better fit with what you want as a practice. Finding out who you are makes it easier to determine your purpose and vision.

Keeping the three in balance will be the most effective life path.

Live the Adventure


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