My Daily Thoughts


Life Path Experience View

I believe that if you work hard and you never get to enjoy it then what's the point. You can't take any of this with you, the money or nothing. The only thing you can take is experiences, memories and good times, so I like to get amongst it as much as I can.
Jay Sean

Planning for the new year requires you to take several different views. One of those views is the experience view.

What are the experiences you want to have, the things you want to see, the people you want to meet, the feelings you want to feel? Some of these are your big bucket list items, and some are just everyday experiences.

I love my morning coffee so I want to make sure I include it in my life plan.

These are the things you will remember, the things that make your life meaningful.

Focus on the experiences you want to have and these will become your life memories.

Live the Adventure


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