My Daily Thoughts


Focus on Process

The journey is never ending. There's always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what's right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.
Antonio Brown

My focus for 2022 is on process.

I have a defined practice and I hold the belief that if I carry out that practice the outcomes I want will come.

I document each process, allocate time for the process, measure how well the process is working, and then adjust.

In the example of reading a book, the process is simple. I define where I will read and what notes I will take by reading. Once I now have fast I read and can determine how many books I will read if I allocate a certain amount of time. If I want to read more books I allocate more time.

By focusing on the process and increasing the efficiency of the process I maximize the outcomes I am trying to create.

Conversely, when planning I have the knowledge I require in order to allocate my time to the different processes of my practice.

Live the Adventure


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