When working on complex issues and complex solutions one approach that helps is to continually simplify.
Create a model to represent the concept and continually refine the model and your explanation of the model until you can easily explain the issue and the solution to someone unfamiliar with the domain.
The more time you spend trying to get an easy-to-explain model to work with the more chance you have of unraveling the different parts of the model. Oftentimes, many different concepts or processes are intertwined and the more you work at creating a simple model the more these entanglements will come to light.
You can tell when you are getting close because things will start to naturally fall into place. Solutions become obvious, new understandings naturally evolve, and discussions are more straightforward.
Most concepts, processes, issues are not rocket science. We make them complicated because we start to create processes and solutions before we really understand what it is we are doing.