My Daily Thoughts


Clear Thinking

Truthseeking, the desire to know the truth regardless of whether the truth aligns with the beliefs we currently hold, is not naturally supported by the way we process information. We might think of ourselves as open-minded and capable of updating our beliefs based on new information, but the research conclusively shows otherwise. Instead of altering our beliefs to fit new information, we do the opposite, altering our interpretation of that information to fit our beliefs.
Annie Duke

There are facts, observations, and interpretations

There is never 100% confidence in an interpretation therefore any interpretation could be wrong.

Understand all interpretations of the facts and observations. Understand the facts and observations that support or oppose every interpretation and add your % confidence to it.

You should never disagree with someone else’s interpretation, you should have low confidence in the interpretation.

If everyone started with facts and observations it would be easier to determine how confident we should be in the interpretations.

Live the Adventure


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