My Daily Thoughts


November 2021 Monthly Review

I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose.
Kobe Bryant

November 2021 Monthly Review

What went well?

  • My daily blogging practice is still going strong.
  • November was another very good month for investing.
  • I have started a set of self-learning where the notes are being documented within Obsidian
  • Slowly reducing what is on my plate that is increasing the focus on what is remaining

What didn’t go well?

  • I am still working on reducing the number of things on my plate to increase my focus. This is proceeding but still requires a lot of work.
  • Only got about halfway through the rewrite of JournaledLife articles and implement the redesign for the website.

What is the focus for next month?

  • My year-end planning and goal setting for 2022
  • Cleaning up things of my plate in order to have a focused 2022

Live the Adventure


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