My Daily Thoughts


Organization Creates Freedom

A philosophy of freedom must set out from the experience of thinking, for it is through this experience of thinking that a human being discovers his own self, finds his bearings as an independent personality.
Rudolf Steiner

What I find annoying is needing to fix something in my house and I can’t find the tool. I end up spending far longer looking for the tool than actually fixing what needs fixing.

If my tools were organized it would free me up to focus on the task rather than focus on finding the tool.

This is how an organization creates freedom. If you want to create freedom in your life don’t focus on escaping, focus on creating organization. The more organization in your life the greater your freedom.

A musician gains freedom by understanding the structure of music.

A few things you can do to create organization in your life:

  • Everything has its place
  • Create repeatable processes for regular tasks so you don’t need to think
  • Minimize your house to get rid of clutter
  • Determine outcomes you want and create processes and organization to create the outcomes
  • For tasks that are not fully definable, time-box them

Live the Adventure


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