My Daily Thoughts


JournaledLife Course

Writing in a journal each day allows you to direct your focus to what you accomplished, what you’re grateful for and what you’re committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus, you more deeply enjoy your journey each day
Hal Elrod

Today I am doing the editing of the audio version of the JournaledLife course.

It is yet another pursuit that should be worth it since it scares me.

Even though it is the same words as written, speaking gives new perspectives of what I am creating.  It causes me to think in different ways.

From this experience, I am going to commit to doing one speaking video a week.  At this point I am not worried about publishing them, that will come later.  This is to help me think in a different way.

Thinking in my head I find the most creative.

Writing ideas down helps to expand on the ideas.  It also helps get the idea out of my head which allows opens me up to new ideas.

Drawing and diagramming ideas helps to build the overall concepts and is the beginnings of creating frameworks and taxonomies.

Speaking, I am now finding, helps in solidifying the ideas.  If I can speak through them, I know the ideas are sound.

Live the Adventure


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